Sunday, 1 March 2009

The Ugly Recession and the Beautiful TV

The darker it gets outside, the lighter is the TV. Outside, companies are failing, people are getting fired, banks are going bust, but the TV continues to live in an idyllic world of funny shows, light movies, or so-called "reality" shows that has some blondes fighting over the lipstick brand. The funniest things are the bank ads. It appears that, the more banks go down, the happier their ads get. I open the TV, and all I see is light, dancing people, happy music and flowers. How lovely! I can't wait to open the doors of a bank and dance into a sunny Garden of Eden, where butterfly-clad cashiers would flip their wand and pour money at my feet.

Alas that all this make-believe only exists inside the little TV box. In the real world, in the banks' Garden of Eden there be serpents that always manage to sneak in and whisper some insider trading information into your ear. And then, just as you started to float on feel-good music, the paradise goes poof! and there you are, all alone, with all your savings miraculously transformed into the pension of some former bank CEO.

And then what's left to do? Why, you can always open the TV and immerse yourselves into more happy thoughts delivered (almost) free. Because, since the world spun around, there is some profit to be made from other's people's misfortune, and the entertainment business knows all about it.

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